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Writer's pictureRoatan Marine Park

Coral Spawning Efforts Take Root

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Coral Spawning Efforts Take Root

On our most recent trip to Guanaja, our team observed the spawning of approximately ten colonies of Grooved Brain Coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis). This effort was part of our REEF KEEPERS campaign. This project started in March 2023 with the primary goal of improving the survival and resilience of coral reefs in the Honduran Caribbean. We aim to promote the implementation of innovative coral restoration techniques and empower different communities with knowledge so that we can all participate in making a change in Honduras. This project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE).

At the same time, our team also began preparing for the second assisted fertilization effort in Honduras’ history. In June, we collected 40 ml of gametes from eight colonies that spawned on one of the monitoring nights. Along with our partners from SECORE International, we trained four MPAConnect co-managers to conduct assisted fertilization operations for the gametes inside our Coral Rearing In-Situ Basin (CRIB). After one week, coral “recruits” started to settle on the substrates, and after six weeks, we outplanted 1,188 recruits back onto the reef. Over the next few months, we will know whether these efforts indeed led to the development of new Grooved Brain Coral colonies along the reef.

Part of our effort to propagate more coral includes recruiting new partners. In May, our team members visited Guanaja to identify potential local and governmental stakeholders. There, we met with the UMA director, an ICF representative, and representatives from Hotel Guanaja. We plan to work closely with these stakeholders to promote environmental conservation and sustainable practices in Guanaja.

If you would like to partner with us, please reach out and stay tuned for updates on our collaborative efforts.

Coral Spawning in Guanaja, Bay Islands, Honduras

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