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Report your marine megafauna and coral sightings!

Help us create Honduras’s first baseline of marine megafauna and coral colonies sightings. Your data will help us with species identification, population sizes, behavior, and movement patterns. This valuable information will help us understand, manage and protect Honduras’s marine ecosystems!

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Shark Sightings

Roatan Marine Park has teamed with Simon Gulak, a fisheries biologist with experience with sharks and rays, to establish a shark sightings database for the  Bay Islands of Honduras. We need your help! 

Spotted Eagle Ray

We seek to understand more about the population of eagle rays and their movements using photographic identification, that way we can build a database of the species observed in Roatán and in the rest of the MPA.

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Marine Mammals

Marine mammals have a key role in aquatic ecosystems, they are top predators that help keep the aquatic ecosystems in balance. Not much is known about marine mammals in Honduras and the threats they suffer. 

Get to know the organizations that collab
in this amazing project

Andrew University

Report sightings of Pillar Corals!

Gathering this information holds significance as it helps us pinpoint their colony locations and enables us to execute our assisted fertilization efforts effectively."

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