Queen conchs are a long-lived species (25-30 years) that are vital for reef health. They control algae on coral reefs, preventing overgrowth that can smother corals. Their grazing helps balance corals and algae, promoting coral survival. They also stabilize sediment by burrowing into it. Queen conchs are highly sought after for their meat, but fortunately they are protected in the Bay Islands, along with turtles, sharks, lobsters, parrotfish, and tang.
Conchs are one of the most commonly confiscated species by our Marine Patrols, they can be found on sandy algal flats, coral rubble, and seagrass beds at depths ranging from a few inches to 30 meters.
After receiving a report of a large number of conchs inside the lagoon near the main West End channel, we intervened before they were illegally harvested. Over a weekend, our staff relocated over 250 mature conchs to deeper waters and away from poachers. In addition, over 200 conchs were relocated from Tom Fool’s Bight near West End to deeper waters by concerned citizens who often witness poaching in that area.
Common predators of queen conch include large predatory sea snails, nurse sharks, octopuses, and turtles. If you find an empty shell in the ocean, please leave it, as it can be a home for hermit crabs and juvenile reef fish. It is also illegal to take them to other countries, so please do not support this illegal trade. Just leave them where you find them. You can help by educating visitors to the island and reporting illegal poaching to info@roatanmarinepark.org or + 504 9447-0798
Queen Conch Relocation Efforts
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